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TORONTO -- Four leading Canadian corporate and government food organizations have joined forces to launch Grocery Innovations Canada, a new trade show scheduled for Oct. 22 to 24 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre supported by Agriculture and Agri Food Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.Like its predecessor Grocery Showcase Canada, produced by the Canadian

TORONTO -- Four leading Canadian corporate and government food organizations have joined forces to launch Grocery Innovations Canada, a new trade show scheduled for Oct. 22 to 24 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre here.

is supported by Agriculture and Agri Food Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Like its predecessor Grocery Showcase Canada, produced by the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, the new exposition will serve the domestic retail market, while expanding its role to include all sectors of Canada's food and grocery industry, the show's organizers said.

John Scott, president, the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, said, "The time is right for an all-encompassing food industry trade show. Issues such as consolidation of the grocery channel, technological change, globalization, North-South trade and the challenges of small- and medium-sized processors are at the forefront of the industry.

"Every industry sector sees these issues as pivotal to their future growth and success. To have all parties working together at this major forum opens the door to more business opportunities both domestically and internationally."

Nick Jennery, president, Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors, commented, "CCGD is excited to be a partner in this initiative. The time has come for the Canadian grocery industry to provide its collective support for one industry trade show that meeting both the domestic and international needs of the Canadian marketplace.

"Grocery Innovations Canada offers a forum to help Canadian distributors maintain their market leadership through exposure to the latest leading edge technology and the newest merchandising initiatives."