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For package designers, the biggest challenge to nutritional labeling has been fitting the information on small packages or labels.erstman & Meyers Inc., New York.Although tricky, small labels present an opportunity for a designer to get creative, says Herb Murrie, president of the Chicago design firm Murrie Lienhart Rysner & Associates."Giving up an element that had been part of the package usually

For package designers, the biggest challenge to nutritional labeling has been fitting the information on small packages or labels.

erstman & Meyers Inc., New York.

Although tricky, small labels present an opportunity for a designer to get creative, says Herb Murrie, president of the Chicago design firm Murrie Lienhart Rysner & Associates.

"Giving up an element that had been part of the package usually turns out to be less of a tragedy than anticipated," he explains. "With the majority of the projects we've worked on, there's been a tremendous improvement," he says.

The other challenge is presenting the legal requirements aesthetically. Front panel claims, for example, have strict rules regarding what can be said and how it is presented.

The good news is the technical amendments have given designers more flexibility regarding typeface, color, reversed printing and display format.