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New Uber Health partnership to connect patients with benefits

The partnership will connect the social risk data of health care company Socially Determined’s social risk data with the over 3,000 organizations that already use Uber Health

Uber Health is partnering with health care company Socially Determined to assist vulnerable patients with access to supplemental benefits like transportation, same-day food and prescription delivery, and other services, the companies announced Monday.

Uber Health, the health care logistics platform for the San Francisco-based rideshare and delivery company Uber, will gain access to patient benefit data and eligibility files, enabling healthcare providers to deploy a variety of services to assist vulnerable Medicaid, Medicare Advantage and commercially insured patients.

“Historically, the onus has been on patients to navigate their own benefits—from figuring out what they’re eligible for, to tracking down those services, to securing reimbursement. We’re turning that model on its head,” said Caitlin Donovan, global head of Uber Health, in a statement. 

The partnership will connect Socially Determined’s social risk data with the more than 3,000 organizations that already use Uber Health to identify patients with the greatest needs to enable targeted allocation of benefits and interventions.

“For years, our payer and provider customers have utilized our social risk analytics to better understand and address the challenges their members and patients faced every day. And now we’ve developed purpose-built analytic models designed explicitly for Uber Health’s key benefits that immediately help identify those individuals with the greatest need for each benefit,” said Trenor Williams, cofounder and CEO at Socially Determined, in a statement. 

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