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Kroger, Cincinnati Reds create new brand

 –  Staff reporter, Cincinnati Business Courier

Kroger Co. has teamed up with the Cincinnati Reds to create a new brand.

The Cincinnati-based supermarket operator is now selling a batch of ballpark-type food items under the Reds Home Team brand name. The products are all available in Kroger stores, and several will be sold at Great American Ball Park this season, too.

The products include 16.9-ounce bottles of water that will sell at Reds games for $1 less than last year, said Kroger spokeswoman Rachael Betzler. The sponsorship deal included knocking the price down to $4.50 a bottle in the stadium. Fans can also buy 32-packs of water at the stores and bring a bottle inside GABP.

Potato chips, three flavors of Italian ice (cherry, lemon and strawberry) and peanuts will also be available at Reds concession stands, as well as in Kroger stores. Fans will have to stop by a Kroger store to get Reds Home Team brand brat buns, corn dogs and soft pretzels.

“We’ve been a Reds sponsor for over 60 years, and this is two hometown teams partnering together,” Betzler said. “It made sense to bring the Reds brand outside the park, as well.”

Dave Collins, Reds director of sponsorship development, said the team started talking with Kroger about a branding deal close to a year ago. It started with Cherry Ice. After that proved successful, it added a group of other items to add to the brand.