August 27, 2014
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To give shoppers a taste of locally grown and produced foods, United Supermarkets hosted a Best of Texas expo.
The annual two-day event was held in July at all 12 of its Market Street locations in North Texas, Lubbock, Amarillo and Wichita Falls.
The free event included samples of appetizers, entrées and desserts comprised of products grown and produced throughout Texas, as well as product demonstrations. In addition, Market Street team members were available to answer questions and provide recommendations for attendees.
“Our Best of Texas promotion is always a popular one and an opportunity for guests to discover many locally grown favorites they may not be aware of,” Wes Jackson, United’s chief merchandising officer, said in a statement.
Displays throughout the stores identified Best of Texas items. Among the dozens of featured products: Llano Wine, Boomerange Frozen Pies, Texas Teas, Shotz Energy Drinks, Messina Hof Wines, Mateo's Salsa, Beanito's Chips, Julio's Corn Tortilla Chips and Kylito's Salsa.
“There's no denying our Lone Star pride,” the retailer wrote in promotional materials. “Market Street celebrates, promotes and supports our Texas growers and suppliers who share our dedication to excellence.”
Among the featured companies:
Llano Wine
Promise Land Milk
Boomerange Frozen Pies
Texas Tamale Company
Texas Teas
Photos courtesy of Market Street
Captions by Carol Angrisani
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