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Irish Chain Superquinn Installs Self-Checkout Lanes

DUBLIN, Ireland -- Superquinn here has signed a contract to deploy NCR FastLane self-checkout in 19 stores, NCR announced Friday.

DUBLIN, Ireland -- Superquinn here has signed a contract to deploy NCR FastLane self-checkout in 19 stores, NCR announced Friday. Superquinn first installed FastLane at its newly remodeled Blanchardstown location southwest of Dublin. The self-checkout units were delivered with a custom jet-black finish to match the supermarket's interior walls. "In the first week alone, NCR FastLane was used by 30% of our total customer base,” said Superquinn Chief Information Officer John Farrelly in a statement. The self-checkout technology integrates with Superquinn's assisted-service POS solution, which includes NCR‘s Advanced Store@Retail software and RealPOS hardware.