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WASHINGTON - The Food Marketing Institute here said that in 2007 it will co-locate the Marketechnics show with its annual FMI show, to be held May 6 to 8, 2007. Marketechnics, which focuses on technology used by food retailers and wholesalers, has traditionally been held as a stand-alone event in late January or February, and will be held as a solo event this year in San Diego, running Jan. 30 to

WASHINGTON - The Food Marketing Institute here said that in 2007 it will co-locate the Marketechnics show with its annual FMI show, to be held May 6 to 8, 2007. Marketechnics, which focuses on technology used by food retailers and wholesalers, has traditionally been held as a stand-alone event in late January or February, and will be held as a solo event this year in San Diego, running Jan. 30 to Feb. 1. The consolidation continues FMI's effort to merge its main FMI show with its other conferences. The other co-located events now include the Fancy Food Show, All Things Organic, U.S. Food Export Showcase and Produce Expo & Conference.