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The IDDBA show was scheduled to be held at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis from May 31-June 2.

IDDBA 2020 canceled due to COVID-19

Trade show shuts down as host city Indianapolis deemed an ‘emerging hotspot’

The International Dairy Deli Bakery Association (IDDBA) has canceled its annual trade show, scheduled for May 31-June 2 in Indianapolis.

In a statement released Tuesday afternoon, IDDBA president & CEO Michael J. Eardley said, “We are disheartened to announce that IDDBA 2020 will be canceled this year due to the rapid COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. We remained optimistic that we would be able to put the show on in Indianapolis on May 31-June 2. The exponential progression of the virus continues.  With the global impacts and hardships our members, community, and industry continue to face while carrying the daunting responsibility to keep food on our tables during these difficult times, we had to make the unavoidable decision to cancel.”

On March 29, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams announced that Indianapolis had become an emerging hotspot for COVID-19, which Eardley noted, “makes it painfully evident that continuing to plan the show puts the health and well-being of those we serve and our partners at risk.”

Registration and exhibitor fees will be fully refunded. IDDBA 2020 exhibitors will have the option of a full credit toward IDDBA 2021or a full refund of fees paid to IDDBA for IDDBA 2020. Exhibitors are asked to notify IDDBA by May 1 with their decision by emailing [email protected]

“Thank you to all IDDBA supporters and volunteers who worked tirelessly to plan IDDBA 2020,” said Eardley. “Your work and contributions to our mission have not gone unseen nor unappreciated. We can only look forward from this point on, and we have our eyes set on IDDBA 2021 in Houston, June 6-8.”

For our most up-to-date coverage, visit the coronavirus homepage.

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