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Kroger storefront
Kroger has not yet announced how it will use the screens, but the tech has flexibility and can be used on cooler doors, walls, end caps, windows, checkout lanes, and in banner aisles.

Kroger expands in-store retail media across 500 stores

Technology will be integrated with retailer’s data science platform

Kroger is expanding its retail media strategy with the addition of digital screens that facilitate video advertising across 500 of its stores. 

Kroger will partner with  Cooler Screens, the maker of the screen tech. The two had been running a pilot program for the past three years. Kroger has not yet announced how it will use the screens, but the tech has flexibility and can be used on cooler doors, walls, end caps, windows, checkout lanes, and in banner aisles.

Cara Pratt, senior vice president at Kroger Precision Marketing, said the screens will be integrated with the retailer’s 84.51 degrees data science platform “to create an engaging and valuable experience for our customers, associates, and brands.”

Earlier in the year, Cooler Screens conducted a survey that involved 3,750 brick-and-mortar shoppers on the effectiveness of in-store media and digital ads and found:

  • 79% reported a positive impact on their shopping experience
  • 82% found in-store digital ads memorable
  • 56% made unplanned purchases prompted by the ads they saw

In-store retail media has been shown to be an effective strategy, according to recent reports. A recent study from digital analytics company and audience behavior software company Comscore Media Metrix Multi-Platform indicated that in-store retail media captures audiences that are on average 70% larger than digital audiences for brick-and-mortars like Walmart (over 212 million unique visitors vs. 140 million), Target (119 million vs. over 78 million), Walgreens (over 73 million vs. over 35 million), Costco (66 million vs. over 22 million), CVS (almost 63 million vs. 41 million), and Kroger (over 41 million vs. almost 15 million).

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