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UFCW Seeks Support for Calif. Locals

WASHINGTON — The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union is asking members around the country to send a form letter to union members in Southern California expressing support while their contracts are being renegotiated.

WASHINGTON — The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union is asking members around the country to send a form letter to union members in Southern California expressing support while their contracts are being renegotiated.

The form letter reads: "I wanted to express my support for all the UFCW members in Southern California currently bargaining with Kroger, Safeway and Supervalu.

"Unionized supermarket workers help set the standards in our industries. Affordable health care, living wages, retirement security and a decent schedule are the cornerstones of good retail jobs. I stand with you as you fight to keep those standards high.

"The demands made so far from the supermarkets would undermine working standards and threaten affordable health care coverage for tens of thousands of workers and their families. You have my full support. Hold the line!"

The union suggested those who send the letter personalize it. The agreement between the three chains and seven UFCW locals in Southern California expired in March, with talks being conducted under the supervision of a federal mediator.