Sales Review: deli entréesSales Review: deli entrées
Busy consumers continue to look toward the deli counter to fulfill their lunch and dinner needs.
January 1, 2018
For the 52 weeks ended Oct. 31, deli entrées sales remain steady at about $1,600 per store per week, with the exception of a spike around Thanksgiving. For the week ended Nov. 29, sales topped $2,600 per store. Overall, average sales were up from the previous year ($1,676 versus $1,543). The lowest average sales per store per week was Jan. 10, at an even $1,500.
The East region was highest at $2,194 per store per week, up from $2,049 the previous year. The West was second, at $1,962 up from $1,777; followed by the Central ($1,512) and the South ($1,401).
The categories within the entrées segment are vast, comprising of pasta (14.1 percent share), franks and dinner sausages (9.1 percent), pork (8.4 percent), Asian (8.4 percent), beef (7.8 percent), Mexican (7.4 percent), turkey (7.2 percent), seafood (5.7 percent) and the leader of segment, other (27 percent).
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