George Hurst from Roundy’s is 2014 Mango Retailer of the YearGeorge Hurst from Roundy’s is 2014 Mango Retailer of the Year
January 1, 2018
[caption id="attachment_33454" align="alignright" width="232"] George Hurst of Roundy's Supermarkets was honored as the 2014 Mango Retailer of the Year on October 18, 2014 in Anaheim, Calif.[/caption] The National Mango Board (NMB) has honored George Hurst of Roundy’s Supermarkets as its 2014 Mango Retailer of the year. Each year, the NMB selects four Model Mango Retailers, one from each region of the U.S. All of these retailers are honored for their dedication to supporting the growth of the mango category. The winner was announced at the NMB’s Mango Industry Reception on October 18th during PMA Fresh Summit. Mango Model Retailer and Mango Retailer of the Year program seeks to identify retailers that go beyond the efforts of a typical retailer in terms of supporting the mango industry. One of the four Mango Model Retailers is further honored as the Mango Retailer of the Year. The Mango Model Retailers for 2014 are Chris Keetch of Ahold USA, John Higgins and Mark DeCosta of Costco Wholesale and Ricardo DiMarzio of Shopper’s Food & Pharmacy. Each of the Mango Model Retailers has personified the following characteristics:
they produce impressive mango sales and volume increases;
through NMB funding, they engage in effective, high-quality, creative promotions that connect with shoppers on multiple levels;
they take the initiative to creatively promote mangos without NMB funding, educating consumers about mangos through displays, POS materials, ads, website, newsletters and other vehicles;
they are responsive to NMB communications and they follow through on commitments to the NMB;
they facilitate mango training and inspire associates to handle, merchandise and promote mangos more effectively; and
they are aware of market forces and promote mangos in all seasons
“The mango industry has many heroes and champions at retail. These retailers are our partners helping support the mango industry year round and have become an essential component in accomplishing our mission to increase fresh mango consumption in the U.S.,” says Manuel Michel, NMB executive director. “The four finalists for the award really encompass the strong efforts made across the board, making our decision to choose one extremely difficult.” Hurst had a 24% increase in mango volume compared to a 4% increase for the region and an 8% increase for the nation. He outperformed his regional competition consistently in every quarter of the past year. “I’ve never seen a retailer get more excited about selling mangos. His enthusiasm is just over the moon, and the more success he has with mangos, the more motivated he is to do even better the next time around,” says Katie Manetti, retail account manager for the NMB.
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