Healthy Kids Concepts And Pink Lady America To CollaborateHealthy Kids Concepts And Pink Lady America To Collaborate
January 1, 2018
With a generation of young people facing shorter life spans because of obesity, Healthy Kids Concepts (HKC) and Pink Lady America (PLA) are going to combine efforts to favorably impact the success rate of finding solutions to that unhealthy condition. “It’s not every day an organization of growers like those supporting Pink Lady America decides to work with a 501C nonprofit public service corporation like us,” says Karl Lovas, executive director for Healthy Kids Concepts. “But with 75% of healthcare cost now attributed to obesity, we believe it’s time to seek out new ways of fighting this problem as it impacts children. Why not look to an association like Pink Lady America which represents a product known for its healthful qualities.” Dr. John Reeves, PLA general manager, echoes Lovas in his groups concerns when it comes to obesity especially as, like HKC, when it involves well documented negative impact on children. “With a program called ‘Pink Lady Cares About Kids,’ we’re now in our third year of working with our shippers to find ways to promote Pink Lady Brand Apples and apples in general to more children,” says Dr. Reeves. “We’re also using it in our information campaign with the Washington State Health Care Authority to get out the word on Apple Health for Kids, the health insurance program for low income children.” “I can’t think of a better organization than Healthy Kids Concepts to add to our efforts to work in the interest of children including the fact that we both have ties to the American Heart Association. The Pink Lady Brand Apple was the first apple in the American Heart Association Food Certification Program most often connected to the heart check mark,” he adds. Earlier this year, Healthy Kids Concepts collaborated with the American Heart Association in Los Angeles and offered assistance from its partners in teaching kids in California the benefits of healthy, locally-grown food. According to Lovas the HKC is working with the AHA using its ‘5 color functional benefits program.’ This program supports the American Heart Association’s Teaching Gardens and Kids Cook with Heart program in California schools. “These programs aim to empower today’s children to live healthier, longer, stronger lives,” Lovas says. “We are now looking forward to also working with Pink Lady America as it opens up potential opportunities from the apple industry. We will soon be exploring some unique ways to incorporate our current activities with the idea of having a greater emphasis on a snacking product documented to possess a number of healthful attributes,” Lovas says. Like those other programs, this fits well with his motivation for starting the Healthy Kids Concepts Program focus on developing creative, interactive ways to teach kids about healthy eating and help counteract the estimated $10 billion spent each year on advertising unhealthy foods to kids.
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