Pure Flavor Introduces Part '3' of its Snacking SeriesPure Flavor Introduces Part '3' of its Snacking Series
January 1, 2018
Pure Flavor has launched the newest addition to ‘The Snacking Series’, a line of proprietary products and packaging. Anchored by Juno Bite snacking grape tomatoes, the line's addition consists of ‘3’ different flavors of grape tomatoes in a single pack, giving consumers their choice of snack flavor at any given time. The ‘3’ is offered in a 9-ounces and 1-pound package for on-the-go snacking, healthy lunch options for the kids, side-dishes and get-togethers. Featured in the ‘3’are Pure Flavor’s new Bumbles, tiny bites of yellow grape tomatoes; Juno Bites, red grape tomatoes; and Oriana, extra sweet orange gem. Each of these flavors have been extensively tested for flavor, texture and sweetness level along with long shelf life. As always, Pure Hothouse Foods strives for innovative products and packages that improve the value proposition offered to customers. "We believe that innovative products and progressive thinking are keys to providing an exceptional level of customer service and value," says Jamie Moracci, president. "The oval clamshells are a great example of a product we’ve created for the convenience of our customers."
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