Confessions of a Serial Pinterest PinnerConfessions of a Serial Pinterest Pinner
January 1, 2018
My name is Kim and I am addicted to Pinterest (and coffee, but that's for another post). There. I said it. I have spent countless hours searching the internet and rounding up “boards” of things that I will never buy or make or do. The board where I’ve accomplished the least? My "Foooooood" board (this is also a terrible title, zero points for originality). Out of 56 pins, 41 are recipes and I have made 3 of them; they were all reverse pins (attempt first, pin later). The remaining pins are just foodie fantasies. It’s not like the recipes I select are super complicated either; I’m realistic about my skill level (unlike these poor folks). While some people can taste an item and recreate the recipe, I’m more of a follow the instructions to the letter kind of cook (this is why I’m much better at baking). Pinterest plays into my visual side. If a restaurant put all of their menu options on a Pinterest board and let me order from that I would be one happy customer (then I wouldn’t have to stalk waiters tray’s as they deliver entrees to the tables around me before ordering to help narrow down my choices). You might be thinking, but cookbooks have pictures. True, but rest assured that prior to Pinterest I wasn’t sitting around reading cookbooks just for the pictures and salivating over dishes I'll never make. Before the internet gave us Pinterest I was more out of sight, out of mind when it came to tasty recipes, but now it’s all there right in front of me and clearly I have a problem. The biggest obstacle between me and pinned deliciousness? I’m not very good about premeditated shopping trips. I generally go to the grocery store when I’m already out and realize that I have some extra time. Even though I have a smartphone and I could pull up any of my 38 unused recipes, I don’t know what ingredients I have at home and I inevitably wind up buying the same things (milk, eggs, orange juice, and bread – it’s like a chant). Long story short - I wind up eating a lot of grilled chicken with rice. You see, much like Jesse Spano (nothing to do with groceries folks, but c'mon, Jesse would totally be in my Pinterest Support Group), I often feel like there just isn’t enough time, so I go with what I know. Still, there are new recipes to be pinned every second, and I just can't stop myself. Maybe I should cut back on the caffeine. How do you motivate yourself to create the recipes you have set aside for a future date? (Seriously, I could use some advice here.)
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