PITTSBURGH -- The Eagle is getting ready to roar.The video departments at Giant Eagle are helping to create a complete in-store party atmosphere through upcoming cross promotions with the party supplies and gift section, said Tina Flowers, director of floral and greeting cards at the retailer.The retailer's next such event will involve the first DVD release of Disney's "The Lion King." Giant Eagle
September 29, 2003
Stephanie Loughran
PITTSBURGH -- The Eagle is getting ready to roar.
The video departments at Giant Eagle are helping to create a complete in-store party atmosphere through upcoming cross promotions with the party supplies and gift section, said Tina Flowers, director of floral and greeting cards at the retailer.
The retailer's next such event will involve the first DVD release of Disney's "The Lion King." Giant Eagle will put the Lion King Friends party goods and gift wrap on display in most of its 214 stores to leverage "The Lion King Platinum Edition" DVD and VHS tape from the home video department the week of Oct. 5, she said. The title also will be promoted in the retailer's circular, he said.
"Giant Eagle capitalizes on licensed party goods sales as a part of in-store events," she said. "When a theme that we are featuring in The Card Party is supported in other departments within the store [such as floral, video, produce, bakery], an elevated level of excitement is created, and this results in synergy among related items, which typically results in increased sales in all of the participating departments."
A similar event will take place during the week of Oct. 26 centering on the video release of "Finding Nemo." Party supplies and gift wrap featuring the movie's animated fish will be displayed prominently in Giant Eagles stores at that time, Flowers said.
Giant Eagle has promoted party supplies with other video events in the past, including the two Harry Potter titles and "Monsters, Inc."
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