Her Favorite Fizz: Scarlett Johansson’s SodaStream Super Bowl AdHer Favorite Fizz: Scarlett Johansson’s SodaStream Super Bowl Ad
January 1, 2018
[caption id="attachment_25257" align="alignright" width="274"] photo from racked.com[/caption] The closer we get to the Super Bowl, the louder the buzz gets for the ads that will air during the coveted commercial breaks. In a somewhat unexpected play, SodaStream has dropped a bombshell of the blonde variety – the brand will be using Scarlett Johansson to promote their product in a commercial during the big game. Apparently ScarJo is starring in the campaign because she actually likes and uses the product – a simple reason that’s as refreshing as the bubbles on which Soda Stream has staked its reputation. SodaStream selected Johansson as the brand’s global ambassador (or “First Lady” as CEO Daniel Birnbaum apparently likes to refer to her) after the actress contacted the company anonymously a few months ago “as a simple Paris-based user looking for a CO2 carbonator. The Paris office helped her out, and a week later Birnbaum got a thank-you note signed ‘SJ.’” Clearly the brand wasted no time signing Johansson once they identified her as their mystery fan. Way to be on the offensive, SodaStream. The fountain jet home soda maker isn’t exactly on consumers’ radar the way that Coke and Pepsi are; personally, I’ve always thought of it as an item I glance at in Bed Bath & Beyond with only a passing desire to purchase. I do know a couple of people who swear by it. I am intrigued by how far they’re willing to go to get some brand recognition and play with the big boys; this is a move that’s likely to earn a bit more yardage than your usual Quarterback Sneak. [Source]
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