Shoplifting: How to protect your storeShoplifting: How to protect your store
Are you preventing your store in the best possible way? Secure it in 4 key steps with our Ebook!
May 23, 2023
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Sponsored by Veesion
Shoplifting is a growing problem for retailers worldwide, costing them billions of dollars each year. And as the world continues to grapple with the aftermath of the pandemic, the issue has only become more pronounced. With inflation rates rising and consumer prices increasing, the temptation to steal has never been higher.
Today, shrinkage amounts to more than 100 billion dollars per year. According to a recent study by LexisNexis on the true cost of fraud, US retail fraud is up about 15% from pre-pandemic levels and that is costing retailers hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
As a retailer, it's crucial that you take steps to protect your store from these threats. In this article, we'll explore the problem of shoplifting in depth and provide you with practical tips to help safeguard your business. So buckle up and get ready to learn how you can keep your store safe from theft.
The issue of theft in retail stores is on the rise and becoming an increasingly prevalent concern for the industry. Inflation, coupled with the economic impact of the pandemic, has made it increasingly difficult for retailers to keep their products on the shelves. This has led to a rise in shoplifting incidents, which not only damages the store's profits but also threatens the livelihood of employees.
Inflation has made many everyday items more expensive, making it harder for consumers to make ends meet. This financial strain can lead to desperation, and in some cases, shoplifting becomes a way to supplement income. Additionally, the pandemic has led to widespread job loss and financial instability, further exacerbating the issue.
It not only impacts retailers financially but also creates a sense of insecurity for both employees and customers. It can lead to higher security costs, decreased employee morale, and ultimately, lower customer satisfaction. Moreover, retailers face the challenge of trying to prevent shoplifting while also maintaining a welcoming environment for their customers.
If you're ready to take action and protect your business against shoplifting, there's no better time than now. By implementing the 4 key steps you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a victim of this costly crime.
Key shoplifting statistics
Prepare your business against shoplifting
Know and recognise the most common techniques used by shoplifters
Detect shoplifting in real time using AI
Want a step by step detailed guide on how to safeguard your business? download our FREE full ebook and dive deeper into each step.
Don't let shoplifting threaten your profits and hard work.
Download our FREE ebook today and start taking proactive steps to protect your business.
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