What's in a name for Whole Foods spinoff?What's in a name for Whole Foods spinoff?
Just how many plays on words is Whole Foods good for? If our readers are any indication, plenty.
Just how many plays on words is Whole Foods good for? If our readers are any indication, plenty.
You see, the super-duper-natural foods retailer announced in early May its intention of launching a new format. Softer, gentler? No, cheaper, smaller – or something along that line. Thing is, the banner doesn’t have an official name (last I saw), but WFM has trademarked some possibilities, and the light bulb went off in colleague Jenna Telesca’s head – what a good idea for an SN poll. Yes, indeed.
So we asked: What should Whole Foods call its new small-store, value-priced format? – and we listed those trademarked puppies. The winner by far was 365, based on Whole Foods’ “365 Everyday Value” brand, with 32% of the vote. Greenlife fared well enough at 23%. Other choices being considered by WFM fell quickly behind – way behind: Small Batch (8%), which would have got my vote if I were allowed to vote because it reminds me of one of the joys of life, Clever Egg (clever, but only 7% so), Dailyshop (a yawner, I mean sleeper, at 6%) and Swiftgoods (wake me when it’s over, at 3%).
And there you have it … but wait, there’s more! We offered a “something else” option in the poll, which won 21% of the vote, and we thank those who cared to make suggestions — and the following plays on words.
So listen up, John! Take note, Walter!
OK, for starters, you know you’re going to get these suggestions:
• Partial Foods
• Half Paycheck
Yep. And then there are the obligatory Trader Joe’s takeoffs:
• Trader John's!
• Whole Traders!
The exclamation points are theirs, not ours. And then we have these:
• Walmart #2
• Wild Oats
• Green Pastures
• Quick Foods
I don’t care whether Quick Foods is supposed to be funny or sarcastic or what — I like it. But I like this one even better:
• Whaldi's!
That exclamation point is mine, all mine! Good grief, this crowded field could give the Republicans a run for their money.
Anyway, check out this and other recent SN polls here: supermarketnews.com/polls. The percentages might change because all the polls are still open and awaiting your votes.
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