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NGA Presents Harps' CEO Kim Eskew with Top Advocacy Award

Recognized for exceptional efforts as “steadfast industry advocate”

GHQ Staff

November 21, 2017

1 Min Read

Kim Eskew, president and CEO of Harps Food Stores, was honored with the National Grocers Association’s (NGA) Clarence G. Adamy Great American Award, which recognizes individuals who demonstrate outstanding efforts in support of policy initiatives that promote the independent supermarket industry.

Noting Eskew’s standing “as a steadfast advocate for our industry,” Peter J. Larkin, president and CEO of NGA, said his work over the years “to develop personal relationships with elected officials in areas where Harp’s operates... have yielded positive results for independent grocers and help make a difference when needed most.”

Eskew earlier this year hosted U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-Ark.), U.S. Representative Steve Womack (R-Ark.), and U.S Representative Rick Crawford (R-Ark.) for tours of Harps Food Stores. He also joined the supermarket industry’s lobby day in May in Washington, D.C., where he urged his lawmakers to pass the Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act, protect debit swipe fee reform and pass comprehensive tax reform. He is a longtime supporter of NGA’s Grocers Political Action Committee (PAC) and also serves on the NGA board of directors.

Eskew received his advocacy award at NGA’s Fall Leadership Meetings event in Chicago, which was comprised of the Trading Partner Business Sessions and held in conjunction with the NACS Show. The strategic partnership brought together the leading small format and independent retailers to explore emerging trends in foodservice, consumer packaged goods, retail motor fuels, consumer-facing technologies, and operating best practices.

Eskew joined Harps Food Stores in 1977 as a part-time stock boy while attending the University of Arkansas. In 2017, he was appointed president and CEO of the company.

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