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Talking Shop with... Jamie Bowen

Jamie Bowen, marketing manager for the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC), says keeping Idaho potatoes front-of-mind is a labor of love.

Grocery Headquarters

January 1, 2018

3 Min Read

This year’s Idaho Potato Retail advertising campaign revolves around the adventures of the Idaho Potato Field Force. What was the inspiration behind the campaign and how affective has it been?

Jamie Bowen: The original Idaho Potato Field Force Comic Ad Campaign was designed to familiarize produce retailers with the Idaho Potato Commission Retail promotion directors. It was also meant to explain the variety of ways the retail promotion directors can help category managers via Idaho Potato promotions, market data, category analysis information and more. The Idaho Potato Field Force was reintroduced to retailers last fall with the Return of the Idaho Potato Field Force and the campaign continues throughout the year.

Humorous Comic Book-themed materials featuring Idaho Potato promotion directors in superhero costumes swooping to the rescue of produce retailers builds camaraderie and reminds them that the promotion directors are always here to help “save the day” by increasing sales and profits.


With the Big Idaho Potato Truck hitting the road again this spring, what would you like the readers to know?

The Big Idaho Potato Truck began crisscrossing the nation in March on its 5th annual tour and you can bet it will still draw a crowd of enthusiastic supporters wherever it goes. This year, the Idaho Potato Commission will continue to take advantage of the super spud’s appeal to deliver “A Big Helping” to charities across the U.S., providing groups with a unique opportunity to raise money and awareness for their causes. The IPC will work with the selected charity to create an event to help raise awareness, funds, food or all three for the non-profit. 


The Potato Lover’s Month Display Contest is always a huge hit. Was there anything new and exciting about this year’s contest?

This year’s Potato Lover’s Month Retail Display Contest featured double the number of award levels, double the number of spud-friendly partner products and the largest amount of prize money ever. Also new for this year, Country Crock Original buttery spread joined Hormel Real Bacon Bits as partners, offering retailers even more options for getting potato lovers fired up during a traditionally slower time of year.

Retailers that create original in-store displays using IPC’s special point-of-sale materials will vie for increased cash awards in 2016, honoring the first through 10th place winners in three different store categories. In addition, we are continuing the Category Manager Match Program and will award equivalent cash prizes to category managers at stores that qualify for a first through 10th place prize.


Being an exhibitor at the PMA Fresh Summit show each year, what does the IPC do to keep Idaho potatoes top of mind and customers coming back to your booth?

The Idaho Potato Commission is proud to be a vital part of the action at the annual PMA Fresh Summit show because it is a great way for us to meet with our customers, showcase new and exciting Idaho potato recipes and of course, keep the Idaho potato brand front-and-center. Not only do we have an exciting booth with state-of-the-art activities each year, we also have a Sponsored Refresh Lounge where we serve delicious Idaho potato dishes for both breakfast and lunch. 

Some of our most popular booth events have included activities like “Danceheads,” where attendees lip synced (in front of a green screen) to one of four familiar pop tunes that were customized to tout the joys of Idaho potatoes and then were given a one-of-a-kind souvenir of their performance on a DVD. Other popular years included a simulated ride that showed Idaho potato ad star Mark Coombs’ airborne quest to find the elusive Big Idaho Potato Truck and our real life Superhero’s who brought the IPC comic book retail ad campaign to life. This consisted of dressing actors up in 7-foot-tall superhero costumes that were made to look like the retail promotion directors themselves. And, who can forget the year we had the cast from Gilligan’s Island in our booth?    

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