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IDDBA 2020 Champions of Change

Stanley “Stan” Woodworth

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What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job?

The most rewarding aspect of my job is watching those that I have hired, managed and/or mentored become successful leaders and exceptional, honest, happy and fulfilled employees. I also value working with a company that exists not for greed but for its family, its employees, its suppliers and its community.

What inspires your leadership approach?

I am inspired by my father, who was an honest, smart, passionate, caring and assertive sales manager, who saw value in managing people to excellence. He measured his successes by the successes of those around him. His self-actualization of success was being able to stand in the background, watching those around him excel and letting that define his success.

What do you value most about being a part of the grocery business?

I value the fact that food is a basic human necessity and the grocery industry (dairy industry) supplies wholesome products to meet these human needs. I value the ability of companies, like Klondike Cheese Co., to project their own values in the wholesome products that they create and market them through the retail grocery industry.

Favorite food?


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