Dollar Sales $3,296,649,216% Change From Last Year +11ed and bagged, meant another year of robust growth for the category. Furthermore, the category saw several new organic salad mixes introduced, and those items generated excitement among organic consumers seeking convenient, ready-to-use products.Sales in the refrigerated salad/coleslaw segment increased 11%, to nearly $3.3 billion in the supermarket
August 9, 2004
Dollar Sales $3,296,649,216% Change From Last Year 11
ed and bagged, meant another year of robust growth for the category. Furthermore, the category saw several new organic salad mixes introduced, and those items generated excitement among organic consumers seeking convenient, ready-to-use products.
Sales in the refrigerated salad/coleslaw segment increased 11%, to nearly $3.3 billion in the supermarket channel for the 52 weeks ending June 13. The category experienced similarly strong boosts during the two previous years. For the calendar year ending Dec. 29, 2002, total category sales jumped 7.9%, to $2.93 billion. Likewise, sales increased 7.5%, to $3.15 billion, for the year that ended Dec. 28, 2003.
There were no losers among the salad subcategories. The most important segment, fresh-cut salads, experienced a 10.1% jump in sales, to just over $2 billion, for the year ending June 13. Sales of bagged coleslaw went up 5.9%; uniform-weight shredded fresh cabbage, up 32.6%; fresh lettuce, up 14.9%; and fresh spinach, up 16.%.
Supermarkets were the primary channel for the category.
Subcategories: 52-week sales; % change
FRESH CUT SALAD: $2,052,361,600; 10.1
RFG SALAD/COLESLAW: $358,695,232; 5.9
UNIFORM WT., FRESH CABBAGE: $3,911,458; 32.6
UNIFORM WT., FRESH LETTUCE: $612,899,136; 14.9
UNIFORM WT., FRESH SPINACH: $268,781,856; 16.0
Latest 52 weeks ended June 13, 2004
Dollar Sales Latest 52 Weeks Ended June 13, 2004; % Change; Dollar Sales Calendar Year Ended Dec. 28, 2003; % Change; Dollar Sales Calendar Year Ended Dec. 29, 2002; % Change
Supermarkets: $3,296,649,216; 11; $3,154,030,592; 7.5; $2,932,778,496; 7.9
Drug: $558,191; -11.1; $525,547; -51.7; $1,087,671; -14.6
F/D/MX: $3,315,699,712; 11; $3,171,645,952; 7.5%; $2,950,010,624; 8.0
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