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The WHO wants supermarkets to stock more low-sodium salt substitutes.

WHO says grocers need to embrace sodium role

Organization indicates sodium intake reduction target will be missed in 2025

The dish does not need more salt. That’s according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which is calling on grocery retailers to do a better job of convincing shoppers to make healthier choices.

The latest report on salt consumption indicates the global target of reducing sodium intake will be missed by 30% come 2025.

The WHO wants to apply more pressure, calling for a comprehensive approach to sodium reduction and targeting HSFF foods. The WHO wants supermarkets to stock more low-sodium salt substitutes.

Only 5% of WHO member states have mandatory sodium reduction policies, but the latest report revealed that effective sodium reduction policies could save about 7 million lives around the world by 2030.

“Unhealthy diets are a leading cause of death and disease globally, and excessive sodium intake is one of the main culprits,” WHO director general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. “This report shows that most countries are yet to adopt any mandatory sodium-reduction policies, leaving their people at risk of heart attack, stroke and other health problems. WHO calls on all countries to implement the ‘Best Buys’ for sodium reduction, and on manufacturers to implement the WHO benchmarks for sodium content in food.”


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