Increase sales with passionate partnershipsIncrease sales with passionate partnerships
Don’t you just love it when business partners are passionate about what they do, truly live the health and wellness lifestyle that they are selling, and go the extra mile for you so that you can increase your sales?
Cari Draft, founder of EcoTrek bars, delivering samples of her products to the employees of Kingma’s Market, a new account for her.
Don’t you just love it when business partners are passionate about what they do, truly live the health and wellness lifestyle that they are selling, and go the extra mile for you so that you can increase your sales?
I have to give a shout out to fellow health and wellness entrepreneur Cari Draft, founder of EcoTrek Fitness and EcoTrek bars. Recently, as I was shopping at one of my favorite local grocery stores, Kingma’s Market, she was there delivering samples of her bars so the employees could experience them firsthand. After all, those employees are her direct sales force and her bars are a new item to the store. Those employees have the power to direct customers to her bars, or not. It’s that simple.
Her whole food bars are vegan, non-dairy, gluten-free, contain 10 grams of protein and are only 195 calories. They are locally made in West Michigan by a company that was founded and is operated by a woman who is completely devoted to helping others live a healthy lifestyle.
Draft wrapped two different flavored bars together with a customized note, then placed all of the samples in the break room for the team to experience first hand.
It was a beautiful, sunny Friday afternoon. A Friday where most people (especially those who don’t have a ‘Boss’) would like to cut out of work early, kick back, relax and soak up some of those elusive winter rays, but not Cari. She took the time to create a custom note to the employees of Kingma’s Market introducing herself and her bars (see image), wrapped up 24 of them with bows, and personally delivered them right into the break room, with proper approval of course.
This is exactly the kind of partnerships that I have been developing and writing about. With winning partners like this, your partner sells more product, your team can get healthier and becomes empowered, it will positively effect your sales, and your customers win by buying a great product. Life is way more fun when you are living it passionately and winning. Sure it takes a bit more work to go the extra mile but if you truly love what you do, it never feels like work.
What examples do you have of your partners going the extra mile for you? How did it affect your team and your sales? How can something like this be done on a larger scale? How often does the president/CEO walk his/her product right into a store and put it in the hands of the employees? That would send a very powerful message.
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