Mix and Match: Merchandising Premixed CocktailsMix and Match: Merchandising Premixed Cocktails
A big player in the premade cocktail segment — pouches — lends itself to impulse displays.
A big player in the premade cocktail segment — pouches — lend themselves to impulse displays.
Shoppers can grab one or a bunch for home consumption or to enjoy at picnics and other outings.
Because they are sold individually, typically at $1.99 per 10-ounce pouch, there are a variety of impulse-driven merchandising options for retailers.
Related story: Pouches Poor Premixed Drinks
Among them: dump bins, clip/hook strips, prong racks, freezer door suction racks, power wings and prong shelving units.
Here are some merchandising examples:
Prong rack shelving.
A checkout display at Walmart.
Rack shelving.
A chilled display at Walmart.
A hook strip display.
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