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The SN News Quiz!

A weekly three-question quiz testing your knowledge of all things grocery!

The SN News Quiz: What’s going on with meat sales?

Here are the results of last week’s three-question quiz

1 Min Read

Did you take last week’s SN News Quiz? Here are the results!

1. A new report eyeing the potential Kroger, Albertsons merger says the total annual earnings of grocery store workers could fall by this much in affected cities if the deal goes through...

  • $334 million (correct!)

  • $248 million

  • $56 million

2. Which grocer is Boston’s most popular, according to a recent survey?

  • Market Basket (yep!)

  • Trader Joe’s

  • Whole Foods

3. What is upcycled bread???

  • Bread that is made out of grains leftover from brewing beer (correct!)

  • Bread that is made out of recycled hot dog buns

  • Bread that is made out of lost carb hopes and dreams

BONUS question: Meat sales were flat in March. Does this track with what you're seeing? So, on a scale of 1-10 flags (1 being “meh,” and 10 being “amazing”): How is meat performing for you?

  • The average response on the bonus question was a 6.3 out of 10. So, not amazing meat sales, but not terrible either. 

Wanna keep testing your grocery news savvy? Take this week’s SN News Quiz here! Betcha can’t get all three...

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