San Diego to Vote on Big-Box Law
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — The city council here is scheduled to vote Tuesday on whether to repeal an ordinance regulating big-box store development.
January 28, 2011
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — The city council here is scheduled to vote Tuesday on whether to repeal an ordinance regulating big-box store development.
In anticipation of a repeal, Walmart U.S. disclosed plans to open up to 12 stores of varying formats here over the next five years.
At a press conference here attended by Mayor Jerry Sanders and some council members, Maggie Sans, vice president of public affairs, Wal-Mart, said, "The big-box ordinance might be good politics but it's bad business. We urge the city council to put aside politics and build a partnership with companies like Wal-Mart who want to invest in this city."
The ordinance requires retailers to conduct an economic analysis of a supercenter's impact as part of the city's permit process. If the ordinance is not repealed, Wal-Mart has already collected enough signatures to force a public vote on the matter, according to local press reports.
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