Masters of MeatMasters of Meat
Meat sales are poised to remain strong well into 2021. Meat sales have been strong since the pandemic and the trend is expected to continue well into 2021. WGB’s annual state of the industry report, with data and insights from IRI and 210 Analytics Principal Anne-Marie Roerink, examines trends in frozen, grinds, value-add and more.
December 7, 2020
Meat’s ‘Extraordinary’ Comeback
By Jennifer Strailey and Kat Martin on 11/24/2020
Eight months into the pandemic, the meat department sat 15%-20% above year-ago levels.
Anne-Marie Roerink, principal with 210 Analytics
“In a way, the pandemic provided us a look at just how popular meat still is.”
Grinds See Boost for Its Versatility
By Jennifer Strailey and Kat Martin on 11/24/2020
Beef, turkey, lamb, pork and bison all did well as consumers cook from home more often due to the pandemic.
Increase in dollar sales of ground beef for the 52 weeks ending Oct. 4, 2020, according to IRI's Syndicated Integrated Fresh database
Frozen Meat Sales Reach New Highs
By Jennifer Strailey and Kat Martin on 11/24/2020
When supply was tight, many consumers switched from fresh to frozen.
Anne-Marie Roerink, principal with 210 Analytics
“Frozen meat provides retailers with a great, no shrink opportunity to expand assortment.”
Value-Added Items Pick Up Steam
By Jennifer Strailey and Kat Martin on 11/24/2020
Value-added beef sees a 16.5% sales increase from a year ago, followed by all other meat, pork and turkey.
Sales increase of all other meat (lamb, veal, exotic game/fowl) from a year ago, according to IRI data.
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